Visit Us At
39 Foster Street, Perth ON K7H 1R9
Business Hours
Monday - Saturday
10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
A warm and spa like boutique
located in the heart of beautiful
downtown Heritage Perth, Ontario.
We are best known for
our focus on
Adaptive Lifestyle Solutions;
Home & Self-Care products
that are a fit for any type of lifestyle.
Super Skin Salve provides your body with powerful healing.
We have used this recipe for over 16 years with incredible results. This salve can be used for: Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cracked Skin, Burns, Skin Irritation, Cuts (closed), Itching and Bites.
This salve is a labour of love, and the results show. It takes about 5 days to make one 50 jar batch. We infuse the base oils in herbs first, then add the essential oils, botanicals and beeswax.
The two main herbs in the infusion are Comfrey (Bone Knit) and Burdock Root, these roots have medicine that provides deep healing to all your dermal layers. They are amazingly powerful herbs when it comes to both skincare and healing tissue, muscle and bones.
After infusing in our herbal goodness we add the essential oil of German Chamomile and botanical oils specific to deep healing the skin and tissue.
A little goes a very long way, so no need to gloop it on!
Use any time you need during the day, but always apply a healing salve at night before bed, as your body is healing at night. Do this for one week to see marked results.
You can use this salve on the young and old alike. It does contain Chamomile, so don't use on people with ragweed allergies. Always test new products on young people before using.
The Super Skin Salve comes in a glass amber jar with a white lid...50g.
Total Ingredients list:
Organic Olive Oil, Beeswax, Comfrey Rt, Burdock Rt, Chickweed, Red Clover, Organic Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil & German Chamomile Essential Oil.
Business Hours
Monday - Saturday
10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM